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Venerdì 02 luglio ore 15.00

Education and the scope of practice in Europe and US

Joanne Caruso (Boston US),Shehzad Naroo (Birmingham UK), Fabrizio Zeri ( MIlano )


Introduzione al tema trattato

The webinar is about education and scope of practice of Optometry in different countries. In particular, the three speakers will offer an overview of the status in the US, UK and European community.  In fact, the spread of the role of Optometry in different societies is quite large going from simple optics dispensing to eye surgery.  Within this picture, the assessment of the practice for Optometry in Italy is still in its infancy, whenever compared with other industrialized countries. The hope is that the discussion will help to pave the way for  an increase of homogeneity in the role of Optometry, at least within the European community.




Locandina dell'evento

24 Maggio 2021 (Archiviata)


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